After-school STEM Growth Program
* Wahono et al. (2020) found that students who benefit from STEM training improve in their overall academic performance, demonstrating the need for early and consistent exposure to STEM education.
*Giuriceo and McLaughlin (2019) stated that STEM literacy should be core training from elementary through high school.
* The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (2024) reported that STEM occupations received annual compensation that doubled non-STEM occupations during 2023, highlighting the fact that STEM jobs provide economic empowerment.
Unlike other programs, we have structured ours to equip your child with 21st century career and leadership skills that matter by focusing on developing their communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity skills. It's not just hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math skills...it's all-round development. Your child will learn by doing within our four innovatively designed STEM-themed rooms.
"If an after-school program is not providing hands-on training in STEM education along with the traditional homework assistance, the program is outdated and will stifle growth in the areas of competence and confidence. Your child will not get the opportunity to develop their full potential"
~Mark Fraser, President

we focus on competence
At GenerateTech, we believe that the best way to teach 21st Century skills is by utilizing a competency-based model. This means that students do not automatically move on to the next lesson. They only move on when they have mastered the specific skill - when they become competent!

we build confidence
We do not look over or look down upon any student. In fact, we do the opposite - we look out for each student! This approach to learning and our non-bullying environment allow students to develop confidence alongside competence.

we always challenge
While knowing facts such as how to multiple and break words into syllables to help with pronunciation are things children should know, they are, at best, basic and inconsequential to success. Our work challenges students to make things better.

Many after-school programs have not evolved in the area of training content, i.e., the inclusion of 21st century skills. We have added Virtual Reality to cater for all learning needs and styles, ensuring equal access to 21st century skills.

History is a good predictor of the future, and at GenerateTech, our history boasts students who consistently developed confidence, a healthy self-esteem, made better grades, won at Tech and Science Fairs and became peer tutors & role models

Students attain key learning milestones by demonstrating specific skills. We assess students' competencies to determine their learning rate in relation to their peers and the defined objectives of each of our program subset.

Since we believe that children need the best in education and mentorship in order to alleviate education and economic gaps, we utilize a low-cost approach. All fees are 100% tax-deductible, and when compared with other programs, ours stand out.
We promote an organizational culture of belonging, relationship building, mentorship, and intentional individualized empowerment.
2024 - 2025 Elementary & Middle School Students
21st-Century After-school Schedule & Cost
MONDAY (No Training)
Homework help/gap fill training and interdisciplinary training in STEM, focusing on developing communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaborating skills.
THURSDAY (No Training)
Homework help/gap fill training and interdisciplinary training in STEM, focusing on developing communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaborating skills.
TUESDAY (Training Available)
Homework help/gap fill training and interdisciplinary training in STEM, focusing on developing communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaborating skills.
FRIDAY (No Training)
Homework help/gap fill training and interdisciplinary training in STEM, focusing on developing communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaborating skills.
WEDNESDAY (No Training)
Homework help/gap fill training and interdisciplinary training in STEM, focusing on developing communication, critical thinking, creativity, and collaborating skills.
Single Day Training Rationale
See below for our cost breakdown. All fees are tax-exempt. We believe that one session per week is enough to instill scientific understanding in students across all STEM disciplines.
Cost Breakdown: